Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I can.

I saw this t-shirt at Powell's the other day and I kind of love it. 1...because double entrendres are awesome. 2...because I was reminded of the delicious canned fruits and vegetables stored away in the garage. I took them out today and in the dead of winter I am reminded of early mornings at the Bellingham Farmer's Market, and sunny days spent preserving food in the kitchen before going to Lake Padden for an early evening swim.
This week I am eating pickled cucumbers, pickled roasted peppers, pickled beets, and applesauce. Here's to food, especially the kind that grows around here.


  1. So this is just about the most adorable thing ever. It is really making me want to move to Portland so I can can cans with you. It's a good thing because I just applied to a job in PDX! *fingers crossed*

  2. i would love that! what job? i will keep mine crossed as well!
