Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Multnomah County Library

Turns out The Multnomah County Library has quite the zine library. I've been quite impressed. It's exciting to see a public library encourage and celebrate alternative lifestyles to the extent that this one does:

"An effort is made to purchase zines on subjects that are not well covered by materials in other parts of the library's collection, for example: vegan cooking, dumpstering, raw foods, anarchism, bicycle culture, animal rights activism, grassroots and community activism and organizing, and the culture of underground music." -from the library's Collection Policy

Photo taken from DIY Alert

A couple zines that I've really enjoyed recently have been The Frugal Vegan's Harvest and Holiday Survival Guide because it includes lots of cheap ideas for holiday gifts as well as cheap ways to stay happy when its cold outside. Also, Coffeeshop Crushes because everyone likes good crush stories.

I've also been looking at a lot of cookzines. One of my goals for 2010 is to make my own cookzine, so I've been doing a lot of research at the library. And in the kitchen, of course.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so wishing we lived in the same area at the same time! I wonder if Micrcosm ships to Abu Dhabi?
