Friday, August 28, 2009

I finally learned how to sew!

Last month, Jill taught Annie how to make an apron. Earlier this week, Annie passed the skill on to me. Since Annie is also a beginner, we ran into a few road blocks. It's nice to run into those with friends, because had I been alone I might have given up. I went to sleep at 3am that night, rather exhausted, but I had a new apron by my side!

I had never touched a sewing machine, even though I'd been eying them for years. I was so happy to discover how naturally it came once I'd figured out some of the basics (and gotten past those road blocks). I've spent a lot of time this week thinking about what I want my next sewing project to be...

Here's I am showing off my apron:

I brought the apron to our annual family beach trip this week. My mom really liked it, so I gave it to her. Here she is, excited to have a daughter who can sew:


  1. I feel like the proud grandma seeing the skill go from me to Annie to you... ;) Looks wonderful, keep sewing!

  2. This is the cutest apron--I love it. Wish I could sew but I am absolutely terrible. I once tried to make a skirt and somehow succeeded in unknowlingly sewing it to the pants I was wearing--didn't realize it until I stood up with it attached to my legs. :(

  3. This makes me so happy! Whewww... good work team.
