Monday, March 9, 2009

Vagina Cake Contest

In honor of International Women's Day (March 8th), I participated in Bellingham's annual Vagina Cake Contest. I'd been admiring the vagina cakes at IWD for the past couple years, so this year I decided to join in on the fun. And seriously, this is fun. There's nothing like crafting delicious baked goods into vaginas.

I made the best vegan frosting. I found the recipe here. I added color by mixing in a couple teaspoons of beet juice. The color was very vagina-esque, and it did not taste like beets. I'm pretty interested in using juices from real food for food coloring right now. Beats the stuff with Red 40 in it. Speaking of Red 40, did you know that it's been banned in pretty much every country that I would like to live in?

Here are the cunt cakes! I used crasins for the clits, which I think worked pretty well. Although some of the cranclits were half the size of the vulva. Oh well. The nice thing about making vagina cupcakes instead of a vagina cake is that you are able to present the reality that not all vaginas look the same. Some cranclits are bigger than others, and that is OK.

Here's me with the finished product.

The Vagina Cake table. Mel's cake, complete with a toothed-vagina, was my favorite.

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